Elefone | Lift Emergency Telephones, Gateways & Monitoring

Upgrade to 4G Now! Don’t wait until the 3G Shutdown!

Safety for passengers and personnel

Our services

Elefone provides a wide range of services related to emergency phone equipment.

We offer gateways and lift phones at competitive prices and an easy to activate SIM service to meet your personalised needs.

Our equipment provides daily checking messages, so when a fault occurs you can be immediately notified.

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About Us

Elefone, in partnership with 2N has aimed to provide Australia with safe, effective and reliable lift emergency phone equipment.

As the NBN Rollout progresses, and the 3G Shutdown looms, Elefone aims to make the process easy, simple to understand, and accessible for all.

Our products provide reliable connection to the mobile network with monitoring and alerts using the latest European manufactured products.

This gives you the confidence that when the alarm button is pressed, the phone will work.